I thought since we were calling this "A Sister for Tait", you might want to know a little bit more about this amazing kid. 

Tait is three and has a serious love for music. He prefers classic rock like Steve Miller Band, AC-DC, Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin. However, he enjoys Warren Haynes, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Muddy Waters, Pitbul and Bruno Mars. Basically, he's a sucker for a good beat. He loves to play drums while dad plays guitar and usually asks for a jam session at least once a day. In between jam sessions you can find him playing his acoustic guitar, kazoo, or harmonica.
Tait also has some pretty sweet dance moves and loves to show them off in my Zumba classes. He almost always leads the warm-up and warm-down and he knows some of the routines better than I do. My students get a kick out of watching him and sometimes I get a little jealous that they watch him more than me.
If there is anything he loves more than music, it's tortillas. I swear he could live off them alone. He will eat anything else in the carb food group but is not a fan of meat. Occasionally we can sneak some in his pasta or into a quesadilla but he glares at you if he finds it and usually ends up feeding it to the dogs.
One of Tait's favorite activities is to go off-roading. He loves to go on the bumpy dusty roads and look out the window with his binoculars. He and dad spend a lot of time out in the Jeep looking for ducks, deer, and the elusive elk. It's funny because he gets cranky if we are in the car for more than forty-five minutes but he will spend all day on the back-roads without complaint.

Mr. Personality is somewhat of a celebrity at school. Not only does almost everyone know him by name, but he knows which class to go to to find his friends. He has a very good friend at school who also has Down syndrome. He is an adult and has made it known that he intends to adopt Tait when he gets his own house. I should probably be a little more concerned...
So, there is your brief description of the illustrious Tait (aka Tait Man, Little Man Tait, Taiter Tot, Tait Dude). Here are some pictures: