I'm not sure why people say that kids with special needs are only given to 'special people'. As far as I know, my husband and I are not angels, nor are we saints. We are just two typical people who happen to have a child with Down syndrome.
Don't get me wrong, we love our kiddo and try our very best to make sure all of his needs are met. Just as we have done with our other children. This is what a parent is supposed to do. As parents our job is to make sure that those "needs", whatever they may be, are addressed. If your child has bad vision, you get then glasses. If your child has asthma you make sure they have medicine. If your child struggles in school, you make sure they get extra help. Sometimes this means you must learn certain skills to help your child.
As a parent of a child with special needs we just learn what we need to to help or child. If your child is nonverbal, you learn sign language. If they are unable to to physical things you figure out a way to adapt. This is what love is.
Tait was not given to us because we were special to begin with. Like any parent, having him has made us strive to be great patents. Our hope is that our adopted child can benefit from what we have learned so far in our journey. And that we can continue to learn through loving her.