Monday, February 15, 2016

Fundraiser frenzy!

 We have a thousand things going on right now trying to raise funds for our adoption! Yard sales, Bake sales, Bunco night, a paint night, Zumbathon, a concert... Yes we are crazy at our house. Fundraising is almost a full time job! Add in my actual full time job and teaching Zumba two nights a week and a very active 3 year old, you get one crazy schedule.

 I just wanted to take a few minutes to thank everyone for their support and help. I have so many people who have taken on various tasks of organizing events, advertising, brainstorming and allowing me to bounce ideas off of them. I truly appreciate all you have done and continue to do to help make this adoption a reality.

 Stay tuned as I will be updating with new events and fun things we have planned!